Monday, October 22, 2007

Thing #1 Never Be Bored!

Learning has never been so exciting! Anyone with access to the internet should never be bored. The internet allows us to connect with people and resources all over the world. Search engines and data bases allow us to explore any topic we can imagine. Instant messaging keeps us in immediate touch with our friends and loved ones.Message boards and chat rooms introduces us to new friends. Blogs keep us in tune with the ideas of many and allow us to contribute our own thoughts to whoever will read and listen. Anyone not in touch with the online world is not truly in touch with the 21st century. All individuals, whether old or young, owe it to themselves to be connected to all the world .

While exploring Learning 2.0 I want to learn more about blogging, wikis,podcasts,picture and video sharing.
I want to know what my own children and many of my students already know. I want to be able to use these tools effectively and help other students and teachers to learn about and use these tools effectively. I don't ever want to stop exploring and learning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you - learning is so much more exciting with all the technology. You hear that we're isolated by our computers but as you said, look how many ways we can connect with people all over the world. This really kicks the walls out of our libraries doesn't it?