Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Thing # 21

Podcasting is going to take some getting use to for me.I liked the Educational Podcast Directory best for school and library purposes. I checked out the the Information Skills podcasts, particularily the ones dealing with technology.Some interesting thoughts.I know podcasting is here to stay, but I don't see teachers ( at least at my school)getting into them for quite some time as they are too overwhelmed as it is with all of the "have to " things to do. I have discussed podcasting with some of my teachers and for the most part they are not interested. I am having enough trouble trying to get my teachers to use the technology we have, especially with the new laptops available. Do I think teachers would listen to any podcasts I made or made available to them - No.

1 comment:

mmw said...

So podcasts aren't something that your teachers are ready for. There are so many other options - there's a web 2.0 tool for everyone!